Title : Cecropin-B
GenInfo Identifier : 54036841
Source : Drosophila simulans [Fruit fly]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Insects
UniProt: P67792
Length : 40
Activity : Antibacterial
Gram Nature : Gram+ve, Gram-ve
Validated : Predicted
Pfam : PF00272 : ( Cecropin family )
InterPro : IPR000875 : Cecropin.
IPR020400 : Cecropin_diptera.
AMP Family : Cecropin
Signature :
ID Type Pattern / HMM T. Length
CAMPCecH HMM Variable
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0005576 Cellular Component Extracellular region ISS
GO:0050829 Biological Process Defense response to Gram-negative bacterium ISS
GO:0050830 Biological Process Defense response to Gram-positive bacterium ISS
GO:0045087 Biological Process Innate immune response IEA